Partner with Us

We design radically better carbon credits

Revalue partners with on-the-ground operators to develop high quality nature-based carbon projects.
Our goal is to support on-the-ground operators to deliver high quality nature-based credits to market at a scale that matters for the planet.

Our role

We partner with the world’s best project operators, who implement the project on the ground and with strategic capital investors, who accelerate funding for large-scale projects.

We focus on creating radically better carbon credits the planet (and you) can trust, letting you focus on what you do best.

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Project Financing

Access mature, high-quality projects

We provide financiers with a scalable pipeline of investment-ready carbon projects, ensuring high-quality credits, premium pricing, and reduced investment risk.

Project and credit development

Access transformative funding

We help you create carbon projects that meet the highest standards, deliver real impact, and secure the trust of the market - all while letting you focus on what you do best: delivering exceptional, impactful projects on the ground for communities and nature.

Credit marketing and sales

Access radically better credits

We deliver radically better carbon credits that avoid, remove, and durably store CO₂—while prioritising nature and communities. Our credits offer unmatched quality, transparency, and impact that aligns with your values and goals.
Talk to Us

We want to hear from you!

We work with on-the-ground operators from around the world. Today, we have partnerships with operators from across 3x continents, and 8+ countries.

Some of our partners have 20+ years of experience, others have 2. Some have a large pipeline of projects ready to go, others do not. This does not matter to us.

We work with all types of organisation, including government agencies, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), community groups, private companies, and collaborations between multiple stakeholders.

We want to hear from you if:

  • You are serious about quality. We do not cut corners. We work with partners that align with our values and principles.
  • You are looking for genuine partnership. We are equals in our relationship.
  • You understand that carbon markets can be fast, but also slow. We invest together in the long-term, acknowledging that carbon markets may have upticks and downturns across the course.
  • You have a team with a track record of exceptional operational skills.
A few of the experts on your side:
Sarah Seror
Commercial Associate
Sarah navigates numbers and nature, combining finance with fresh air
Alexa Mangeant
Partnership Specialist
Alexa uncovers impactful carbon projects and amplifies voices for impact!
Robert Perez
Commercial Manager
Transitioned from the world's largest companies to protect and regenerate the planet’s most valuable asset — nature.